Sunday Scaries Hotline

I've been there.
The tightening in your chest.
The anxiety about going into work tomorrow.
I tried to stretch out my Sunday into the night; I could avoid thinking about Monday as long as possible.
I had the "sunday scaries" - that existential dread about work tomorrow morning, aka the ultimate "case of the Mondays."
And I held that anxiety in me for years. I was in the wrong job doing the wrong thing. But even beyond that - my overall life was out of sync and causing many things to be unbalanced.
But now...
I'm not saying everything is perfect, I'm just saying fucking love Mondays.
It's an opportunity to follow my dharma. To do what I love, and a fresh start again.
I wish I had someone to talk to on Sunday night when I was really going through it. I was dealing with some tough life and career crossroads.
I'm announcing the Sunday Scaries Hotline. I am here for you, Sundays, from 8 pm - 10 pm, for 10 minute video calls.
We can talk about:
  • Your boss that you hate
  • A coworker you want to vent about
  • The anxious feeling you are experiencing
  • Ideas you have for your next step
  • Goddess wellness Sunday activities
  • and more
I will be able to provide you resources and next steps.
These 10 minute calls are free. It's my way of giving you something I wish I had.
You can DM right here via "chat now". If you would like a video call let me know there. 
Send to friends.
You deserve to love what you're doing tomorrow. Let's bring back the magic in Mondays.
To your future.

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